The usage of aggregation in MODM is nearly identical to the official MongoDB driver.
Below is an example from the official tutorial:
type Tea struct {
modm.DefaultField `bson:",inline"`
Type string
Category string
Toppings []string
Price float64
docs := []*Tea{
{Type: "Masala", Category: "black", Toppings: []string{"ginger", "pumpkin spice", "cinnamon"}, Price: 6.75},
{Type: "Gyokuro", Category: "green", Toppings: []string{"berries", "milk foam"}, Price: 5.65},
{Type: "English Breakfast", Category: "black", Toppings: []string{"whipped cream", "honey"}, Price: 5.75},
{Type: "Sencha", Category: "green", Toppings: []string{"lemon", "whipped cream"}, Price: 5.15},
{Type: "Assam", Category: "black", Toppings: []string{"milk foam", "honey", "berries"}, Price: 5.65},
{Type: "Matcha", Category: "green", Toppings: []string{"whipped cream", "honey"}, Price: 6.45},
{Type: "Earl Grey", Category: "black", Toppings: []string{"milk foam", "pumpkin spice"}, Price: 6.15},
{Type: "Hojicha", Category: "green", Toppings: []string{"lemon", "ginger", "milk foam"}, Price: 5.55},
_ = db.Tea.InsertMany(ctx, docs)
groupStage := bson.D{
{"$group", bson.D{
{"_id", "$category"},
{"average_price", bson.D{{"$avg", "$price"}}},
{"type_total", bson.D{{"$sum", 1}}},
var result []bson.M
err := db.Tea.Aggregate(ctx, mongo.Pipeline{groupStage}, &result)
if err != nil {
// [map[_id:black average_price:6.075 type_total:4] map[_id:green average_price:5.7 type_total:4]]