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Currently, MODM supports the following hooks:

  • BeforeInsert
  • AfterInsert
  • BeforeUpdate
  • AfterUpdate
  • AfterFind

Automation methods related to hooks are implemented in modm.DefaultField.

Related Code
type DefaultField struct {
	ID        primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" json:"_id"`
	CreatedAt time.Time          `bson:"created_at,omitempty" json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time          `bson:"updated_at,omitempty" json:"updated_at"`

// DefaultUpdatedAt sets the default value for the UpdatedAt field.
func (df *DefaultField) DefaultUpdatedAt() {
	df.UpdatedAt = time.Now()

// DefaultCreatedAt sets the default value for the CreatedAt field if it's zero.
func (df *DefaultField) DefaultCreatedAt() {
	if df.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
		df.CreatedAt = time.Now()

// DefaultID sets the default value for the _id field if it's zero.
func (df *DefaultField) DefaultID() {
	if df.ID.IsZero() {
		df.ID = primitive.NewObjectID()

// BeforeInsert is a hook to set default field values before inserting a document.
func (df *DefaultField) BeforeInsert(ctx context.Context) {

// AfterInsert is a hook to handle actions after inserting a document.
func (df *DefaultField) AfterInsert(ctx context.Context) {}

// BeforeUpdate is a hook to set default field values before updating a document.
func (df *DefaultField) BeforeUpdate(ctx context.Context) {

// AfterUpdate is a hook to handle actions after updating a document.
func (df *DefaultField) AfterUpdate(ctx context.Context) {}

// AfterFind is a hook to handle actions after finding a document.
func (df *DefaultField) AfterFind(ctx context.Context) {}

Hooks have specific usage constraints. For more details, please refer to CRUD Operations and FAQ.

Released under the MIT License.